» Books in french » Armand Barniaudy, l'homme et ses actions

Armand Barniaudy, l'homme et ses actions

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Armand Barniaudy, the man and his actions. Jean Pierre PELLEGRIN.
This book, rather than a biography, is the restitution of the comments and notes that Armand Barniaudy had entrusted to Jean-Pierre Pellegrin, investigating various subjects of local history. These contributions were supplemented by information and testimonies provided by other people who shared some of his actions. The decision of his children to publish these texts will help preserve the memory of the warm and altruistic man who was their father and make known the many commitments and achievements of his public life.
A whole page of the local history of Hautes-Alpes and Lagrand opens up to the reader...
IMPORTANT : his book is in french.
Armand Barniaudy - Armand Barniaudy, l'homme et ses actions
15,00 €